Commencement is June 15!

The most exciting day of the academic year is approaching: Commencement on June 15, 2024!

Once again, we will combine our GED® and college graduates in one jubilant ceremony that will begin at 10 a.m. Our hope is that the Rogue Bowl on the Redwood Campus will be ready for us to host there, but if not, we will repeat the setup of last year in the RWC Lower Wiseman Parking Lot.

Afterward, we will enjoy a cupcake reception with our graduates, complete with blue-frosted and white-frosted cupcakes; there are lobbies on either side for both colors! Finally, we will conclude the day with an RCC employee lunch to celebrate the completion of a super year.

Please stay tuned for further details. If you have questions or would like to be involved in the planning of this event, please contact Sally Seibert Snyder at Also, the commencement webpage will be updated as more information becomes available.