Embracing Best Practices in IT Usage at RCC

In our continuous journey to enhance the effectiveness and security of our IT environment, we’d like to share some insights and gentle reminders regarding using RCC’s technology resources. Adhering to our Computer and Network Use Policy (AP 3720) is not just about compliance; it’s about fostering a professional and secure digital space for all.

The Value of Professional Use of RCC Equipment:
Recent IT security measures have brought to light increased personal use of RCC’s email and Zoom services. While these tools are convenient and user-friendly, it’s important to remember that their primary role is to support our educational and professional activities. This approach ensures that our resources are fully available for their intended educational and work-related purposes.

Why Adherence Matters:
Using RCC’s IT resources in alignment with our policy is more than just a rule; it’s a best practice that:
• Enhances the security of our digital environment, protecting sensitive data and intellectual property.
• Ensures equitable access to resources for all users, maintaining the efficiency and reliability of our network.
• Supports compliance with legal standards and ethical guidelines, vital in maintaining our institution’s integrity and public trust.

Understanding Our IT Ecosystem:
Remember, every piece of equipment and software application at RCC is integral to our larger IT ecosystem. This includes our computers, laptops, tablets and communication systems. Using these tools appropriately contributes to a smoother, more efficient and secure IT environment.

Embracing Our Digital Community:
Each of us plays a crucial role in sustaining the health and security of our digital community. By aligning our actions with RCC’s Acceptable Computer Use Guidelines, we safeguard our resources and contribute to a culture of respect and responsibility.

Your Role and Contribution:
We encourage everyone to:
• Utilize RCC’s IT resources primarily for your professional and educational activities.
• Be mindful of the digital footprint we leave and the impact of our online activities on RCC’s network and reputation.
• Embrace these guidelines as a way to enhance our digital literacy and proficiency.

Acknowledging Our Shared Responsibility:
In using RCC’s IT systems, we acknowledge and respect the guidelines set forth in the RCC Information Technology – Acceptable Use Policy (AP-3721). This acknowledgment is a collective commitment to uphold the standards that define our vibrant and dynamic institution.

Together, let’s continue building a secure and efficient digital environment at RCC that reflects our commitment to excellence and community. Your understanding and adherence to these guidelines are greatly appreciated and play a vital role in our shared success. If you have questions, please email ithelpme@roguecc.edu.