Important Notice: Rising Email Security Threats

Over the past few months, we have noticed an alarming increase in the frequency and sophistication of email attacks targeting educational institutions, including ours.

These malicious attacks primarily come in the form of deceptive emails that may seem legitimate on the surface, but are designed with ill intentions. Some may be disguised as routine correspondence, others as official notifications. Invariably, the aim of these “phishing” emails is to trick the recipient into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or personal data, or to gain unauthorized access to our network systems.

In light of this, we are implementing a security protocol. If you receive an email that seems suspicious or you suspect to be from a bad actor, please do not click on any embedded links or open any attachments within the email. Instead, forward the email immediately to for our IT security team to analyze.

Once you have forwarded the suspicious email, please delete it from your inbox to avoid any accidental interactions with the email content.

In the unfortunate event that you have already clicked a link or opened an attachment from a suspicious email, take immediate action by changing your RCC password. This is a critical step to help prevent unauthorized access to your account and mitigate potential data breaches.

Your active participation and due diligence are fundamental to our collective digital safety. Protecting the integrity of our systems is not just about ensuring our operations continue smoothly. It also means safeguarding the private and sensitive data of our students, staff, and faculty.

By taking these simple steps, we can all contribute significantly to the security of our college’s data and systems.

If you have any questions, concerns, or require further assistance, our IT Support team is ready to help. They can be reached through our IT Help Support portal, via email at, or by phone at 541-956-7042.

We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to maintaining the digital security of Rogue Community College.