Training to be On-Brand and Expand Your Programs!

If you are curious about how to help your program grow or how to help promote RCC in the community, join us for this training session! The Marketing Team will teach you how to support and market the brand of your department and RCC.

Branding goes deeper than just using a logo correctly and impacts many areas of the college. Learn how and when to use the marketing team’s DIY toolkit and how to submit a marketing work order. This session is geared toward all those who work at the college, so join the fun!

The Welcome to Rogue session will be held on Friday, Sept. 22 from 2-4 p.m. on the Redwood campus and is all about the RCC brand. Welcome to Rogue is a 12-month new employee onboarding series coordinated by the People, Culture & Safety Division. We also invite current employees to join us for any sessions/topics (with supervisor approval).

You will need to register to ensure sufficient space and materials. You may register for the event online to get the exact location. Registered participants will receive an Outlook invitation with location details. For more information, contact Cara Lumpkin at