Lowering the Cost Barrier

The transition to Open Educational Resources (OERs) by RCC’s Allied Health department in the spring term of 2023, for AH100, is a significant step towards a more accessible and cost-effective education model. In a world where the rising cost of education has become a pressing concern, the decision to replace a $136.95 textbook with free OER materials is a welcome change. This change translated to approximately $30,000 in savings for students throughout three terms, including the upcoming fall term. Not only does this shift alleviate the financial burden on our students, but it also opens up new avenues for inclusive learning. Instructor Bob Goldberg’s survey, seeking honest feedback from students, highlights the commitment to providing high-quality resources while involving the individuals who benefit from them. This transition is a testament to RCC’s dedication to making education more accessible, affordable and equitable for all.

Here is a sampling of survey questions and the corresponding responses provided by students enrolled in AH100 for the summer 2023 term.

Question 1: Do you feel the textbook was organized in a beneficial manner?

• YES, I really loved this textbook. I found it relatively easy to follow throughout the entire course. I really loved all the resources included in the book (i.e. links to videos, activities, highlighted words with definitions). The content can be lengthy but ultimately concise to get to all necessary points without searching for answers in other places. I also was able to download text when I knew I wasn’t going to have service which was a game changer.
• I liked the way that the online textbook was laid out. I could easily navigate myself with it. Subtitles were big if you were looking for a specific topic and pretty understandable text.
• Yes, the flash card and acronym separations were helpful to follow. The videos were helpful and entertaining to watch.

Question 2: Was the content of the textbook in line with learning basic medical terminology?

• Since this is my first course in medical terminology I have no comparisons to make with other methods. Initially I was daunted by the text but as the rhythm of the course unfolded, I felt more confident in linking the terms together from prior chapters.
• Yes. I liked the fact that the chapters always started with the prefix, suffix, and combining form. To me it had relevant information for one to understand the medical terminology.

Question 3: Did the textbook meet your expectations? Were you able to learn what you expected to learn?

• Yes, the textbook met my expectations. I have taken many A&P course where the textbooks are hard to follow, but this one was very straight to the point with explanations.
• Yes. I liked that it was split up into two documents where one was more about the facts and rundown of the system and the other was of the word breakdown. I also appreciated that I didn’t have to purchase a book and it was easy to always have the text with me at work with this system.
• Definitely learned a lot! Would say it more than satisfied what I had hoped for. I did find a good number of typos/errors in it, but overall was very happy with it. Especially since we didn’t have to pay a bundle for something to gather dust on the bookshelf!
• Yes, I learned so much this term! Everything was presented clearly without confusing jumps or loops we needed to get through. I found everything to be incredibly accessible.

Question 4: Did you feel you were able to meet course learning outcomes using this textbook and to what degree?

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Define and spell medical terms.
  2. Construct and analyze medical terms. (ILO: Critical Thinking) ILO = Institutional Learning Outcomes
  3. Describe basic anatomical terms and functions.
  4. Explain the meaning of various medical abbreviations.

• Absolutely. I think the content was spot-on with what we were learning. I feel like it had everything we needed and it was nice to have it all online.
• Yes, but a printed book is always easier while studying.
• I felt like I was able to meet the course outcomes very well with all that was provided in this course. Like I previously stated I’m new to this online learning. Overall I was satisfied.
• Each week helped review major terms and the word setup. The book did a good job of separating the different systems into chapters. Easy to follow along.

Question 5: What, if anything, would make this textbook better for students?

• The only thing I noticed that this textbook did not have was specific search to words in text. Searching a word or phrase only brought up the entire chapters relevant instead of the paragraph containing the context of the word searched. It was a minor inconvenience, but handy with some of my other textbooks.
• In my opinion, incorporating more videos would greatly enhance the learning experience. I found them to be an effective tool in comprehending the concepts presented in the chapter. All things considered, I found this textbook to be an excellent resource for learning.
• I found spelling errors and some definitions could have been elaborated on.
• i would much rather have a hardback copy for studying and reference.
• The one thing I could say that would be nice is the ability to take side notes on the textbook and highlight. But, overall, I liked the format.

If you or your department are actively engaged in endeavors to lower course material expenses, kindly reach out to Laura Haga-Duffy at lhduffy@roguecc.edu so that your work can be highlighted in a future edition of the Rogue Report.

— Laura Haga-Duffy